February 12, 2007: Meghan’s Confirmation

Blessings to all that graciously lay down their lives for the sake of God’s holy name. Through the grace of God our family had a most beautiful confirmation evening for our dear Meghan. She has taken on the Confirmation name of St. Therese, also her mother’s chosen confirmation name.

To be completely honest with all of you, Mike and I wish we were still in the “moment” of the confirmation. The Mass was beyond all human comprehension. The Holy Spirit was present in a profound way. Thank you to all who attended and took on the tasks of helping us with the details to make this a most perfect evening. There are too many people that helped to mention here, but thank you all for making it a memorable night.

Fr. Stephen Burr gave an incredibly moving homily. He most powerfully captured that Meghan is a “soldier for Christ.” Indeed, he is right! Meghan works extremely hard for the single purpose of leading souls to God the Father. Thank you to Fr. Steve for working so closely with us to plan the mass. His friendship is a blessing beyond words.

Thank you to Fr. John Riccardo for Confirming Meghan Marie Therese! Fr. John spoke of Meghan’s suffering and how “She has done far more battle” than most all that were present—combined—will do in a lifetime…“to win souls for Christ.” He furthered, “One day when we enter the kingdom of heaven, we will see Meghan in all her glory, exactly how she was created to be.” Thank you, Fr. John for your years of dedication to our family and being one of the friends God has so perfectly placed in our lives. His friendship is immeasurable!

Here are a few details of the night that I would love to share. The evening started off with our family dedicating Meghan to our Blessed Mother, as we did 4 years ago on her Baptism day. Each of our four children took up a white rose and placed it at the feet of the icon of Mary, as Joe and Chuck Salter sang Joe’s beautiful rendition of the Hail Mary. Lauren and Michael did a great job with the readings, and Shannon read seven petitions! We were honored beyond words to present the gifts to the altar. Shannon pushed Meghan’s chair up to the altar, with the bread carried in the lap of Meghan. Michael and Lauren carried the wine and water. Lauren was the very proud sponsor to Meghan. A loving “thank you” from Meghan to Lauren for all the tender care Lauren offers Meghan on a daily basis.

Meghan wore the most beautiful white dress. She was dressed in white for her lifetime of purity. She was carefully dressed as a bride of Christ on this day. She wore a crown of 13 red roses and baby’s breath on her head. Red for the Holy Spirit, the blood of Christ shed on the cross, Martyrdom, and the roses for our Blessed Mother and Saint Therese. Meghan wore a chain with a Crucifix around her neck that we gave her when she was a baby. I presented Meghan with the rosary that my parents gave to me for my first Holy Communion. Meghan was as pure as she could be, so beautiful for Christ.

The music was so moving. Dan Urbiel, along with Mike’s brother’s Joe and Chuck, brought tears to all. The songs carefully picked and sang with much love. One song, Basking in the Love of Jesus, was also sung at Meghan’s Baptism. This beautiful song was revised slightly for Meghan’s Confirmation and was written by Joe Salter.

There were 24 candles lit outside the church as guests entered which were from the Right to Life of Michigan, representing the dignity and sanctity of all life; the candles burned brightly in honor of those lives that have been snuffed out through this culture of death. The number 24 was to signify the 24 years of St. Therese’s life. We also had a wonderful pianist, Bill Brittian, who entertained the guests during the reception.

The children handed out the Confirmation brochures and prayer cards of St. Therese for all the families in attendance. One quote by St. Therese seems so fitting regarding Meghan’s life and of her offering herself to Christ: “My God…I am not afraid to suffer for you, I fear only one thing: to keep my own will; so take it, for I choose all that You will!”

We estimated that about 400 people attended this most beautiful Sacrament of Confirmation. We felt that the evening was a gift from God to Meghan for “Choosing all to suffer for Christ.” We invite you to view the Confirmation pictures and by all means, watch the slideshow that Mike put together. It dramatically captures the evening and features Joe Salter’s Basking in the Love of Jesus, which he wrote for Meghan. The slideshow can be viewed by clicking here.

Please continue to pray for Meghan and our family.

God bless you all.
Ellen and Mike Salter


April 15, 2007


January 23, 2007