August 09, 2011

Meghan has had an incredible summer with her family! With the nice weather she is able to attend Mass with her family, which brings us immeasurable joy! Meghan loves being in the presence of Christ! She also gets out on most days to take walks, visit nearby family and friends and occasionally to go to Greenfield Village! Meghan loves the outdoors and has even sat out in the evening by the bonfire.

The terrible storms have brought some unusually tense moments for us as we lost power for four days in a one week stretch! With all of Meghan's medical equipment, electricity is not a luxury, but is critical for her survival. Aunt Carol and Uncle Tim allowed us to watch Meghan on the first hot and steamy night at their nice cool house (thank you Carol and Tim!) The next storm brought a three day stretch without power, but we were able to fire up the generator and ride out the power outage at home. I actually think Meghan had fun as we all huddled in her room at night before bed to play games, talk and pray.

Meghan's next surgery will be sometime after October 16th which is her 9th birthday! It's hard to believe she will be 9 years old! God truly answers our prayers! She is so beautiful and we continue to thank God for each day we are blessed with Meghan's life.

Please keep Meghan and her entire family in your prayers.

Mike and Ellen Salter


July 01, 2012


May 02, 2011