April 24, 2007

Meghan’s surgery was completed with no complications and was deemed a complete success according to Meghan’s orthopedic surgeon.  The surgeon told us that it was the smoothest spinal fusion surgery she had ever done.  She said, “I felt all those prayers in that room with me!”  Thank you all for praying for Meghan’s surgery.  Your prayers were heard!

Post Op
Although the surgery went very well, the recovery has been the roughest part of the past week.  As to be expected, Meghan has been in a lot of pain.  We have not been able to hold her or rock her (until Monday of this week).  It hurts her to even be turned—which is required every two hours.  Regarding her back, the surgeons are quite happy with her progress to this point.

The biggest hurdle during the recovery has been a peripheral IV line that blew in Meghan’s foot during the administering of one of her meds two days after surgery.  The med infiltrated the tissue in her left foot which caused her foot and toes to turn a deep purple. The ICU doctors told us that she could lose part of her foot if the tissue died.  The plastic surgeons began their watch over the foot and told us that the following 24-48 hours were critical in saving her foot…There was little they could do in the way of treating her left foot—we just needed to keep it elevated and warm.  The plastic surgeons forgot to mention “pray,” but we knew better. 

We asked a priest friend of ours to anoint Meghan and we prayed over her.  The next morning, three doctors—Meghan’s orthopedic surgeon, the ICU attending physician, and the plastic surgeon all said that her foot discoloration had not progressed and that Meghan would not lose her foot or any of her toes!  Praise God!  Her foot will take months to recover from the swelling, discoloration and blistering, but thanks to God, Meghan will keep her foot.  Please continue to pray for Meghan as she heals.

Mother of the Year
Earlier this year, our oldest daughter, Lauren, nominated Ellen as Right to Life—Lifespan Mother of the Year.  Lauren’s letter was so beautiful and heartfelt.  Ellen was chosen the winner of this award!  This much deserved honor will be given to Ellen at a dinner on May 7th at the San Marino Club in Troy.  Lauren will read her nomination letter in front of the crowd of 400-600 attendees.  Also, Ellen will give her “Acceptance Speech!”  Actually, the Lifespan committee asked if she could say a few words to the group…

If you are interested in attending, please click the icon on the home page to access a flyer which gives details on the dinner and how to make reservations.  Make your reservation by May 1st.  We are so proud of both Lauren, for nominating her mother, and of Ellen, for being such a faith filled, exemplary mother.  We hope to see you at the San Marino Club for this beautiful evening!  If you can’t make it, please send Ellen an email to congratulate her on this award! 

In Him, 

Mike Salter


July 24, 2007


April 15, 2007